SCS Next Generation / Gray-Magamedova Duo (cello-piano duo)
Scandinavian Cello School (SCS) præsenterer “SCS Next Generation” !
Gray-Magamedova Duo: The Gray-Magamedova Duo has been performing together since 2019 and enjoys giving concerts throughout Europe, the United States, and the world. In 2022, they became laureates of the European Chamber Music Competition. As Young Artists in Residence at the Scandinavian Cello School in Denmark, they participate in numerous music outreach projects as well as public concerts throughout Scandinavia.
Since their debut at Lincoln Center at Paul Hall (New York City) in 2019, the duo has continued to perform around the world, in venues such as the Pierre Boulez Saal in Berlin, the Berlin Philharmonic, the Theatre for Digital Arts in Dubai, and the Tajikistan National Opera. In France, they have been invited on “Générations France Musique, le Live” as well as to give recital programmes, which they carefully design to convey a unique concept.
Cellist Johannes Gray received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, and pianist Anastasiya Magamedova received her Bachelor’s degree from the Juilliard School in New York. As a duo, they continue their studies at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique de Paris.
10 koncerter i 2023 bringer nogle af de bedste unge klassiske musikere fra hele verden til at deltage i SCS-programmet “Fremtidens Lyd” – som giver dem gratis undervisning, en uges ophold på SCS og en professionel portrætfilm – kulminerende i en aftenkoncert på Stevns.
”Fremtidens Lyd” er støttet af W.Hansen Fonden, DMF, Solistforeningen og Statens Kunstfond.
På koncertsteden – Traktørstedet Højeruplund – vil der blive serveret “stegebuffet” fra kl.17-18.45. Traktørstedet Højeruplund serverer god traditionel mad, i flotte lokaler der emmer af historie, beliggende i naturskønne omgivelser ved Stevns klint.
Med alle billetter har du gratis parkering på parkeringspladsen i Højerup.
OBS: Vil du hjælpe Scandinavian Cello School at fortsætte med at bringe prisvenlige koncerter til Stevns lokalområde? Så vælg blot en billet med selvbetalende gebyr – hver krone hjælper…!