Scandinavian Cello School


28 Jan 2023

SCS Next Generation

Scandinavian Cello School (SCS) præsenterer “SCS Next Generation” på Stevns Klint Experience.

Lørdag d. 25. februar kl.19:30 | Arion Piano Trio (violin-cello-piano)

Lørdag d. 11. marts kl. 19:30 | Duo Balas/Wozniak (cello-piano)

Lørdag d. 15. april kl 19:30 | Viviana Baudis (piano)

Lørdag d. 20. maj kl 19:30 | Duo Gemini (2 accordion)

Lørdag d. 24. juni kl 19:30 | Novo Quartet (violin-violin-viola-cello)


Flere koncerter i 2023 bringer nogle af de bedste unge klassiske musikere fra hele verden til at deltage i SCS-programmet “Fremtidens Lyd” – som giver dem gratis undervisning, en uges ophold på SCS og en professionel portrætfilm – kulminerende i en aftenkoncert på Stevns.

”Fremtidens Lyd” er støttet af W.Hansen Fonden, DMF, Solistforeningen og Statens Kunstfond. Koncerten præsenteres i samarbejde med Stevns Klint Experience og PH Pianos.

Billetpris |  50 kr.
Billet skal bestilles her – begrænset antal pladser.

02 Dec 2022

Over 750.000 kr. (100.000 euro) support for SCS

Hugely exciting times ahead for Scandinavian Cello School with generous support from amongst others Augustinus Foundation and the Danish Arts Council, securing over 750.000 kr. for development projects in the upcoming 3 years. Press release here.

01 Aug 2022

Concert on 13th August!

Concert with LGT Young Soloists Ensemble, Dissing&Las, Sys Bjerre & Friends and the Helene Blum and Harald Haugaard band – the culmination of LIMELIGHT CLUB DANISH SUP TOUR STEVNS 2022 from 18 – 23:00 at Rødvig Havn. Free entry….!!

More details here.

29 May 2022

Mini-Residencies Summer 2022!

At long last, we are FULLY open as normal, for mini-residencies. For the first time ever, we open for the summer season, and we welcome ALL musicians and artists.
For more details and conditions please click here.

12 May 2022

From Stevns with Love

On the 4th June Scandinavian Cello School will have a special event at Tivoli! More details here